Agnus Castus: Why this little blog actually matters

Another woman has taken the time to come onto this blog and endorse Agnus Castus. It reminds me that I might only be one individual and this blog occupies a teeny space in the vast blogosphere, but it does make a difference.

Hi Juliet,

I bought Agnus Castus 400mg from Holland and Barrett. I took five capsules a day at quite an expense. However i must say the first month the only difference I noticed I had no sweats at night and no breast tenderness. This was amazing. By month 2 my period came a week early I had no sweats, breast tenderness, mood swings and flow was a lot lighter. Most importantly for me I had no pain at all and period ended on day 5 rather than a week. AMAZING! It seems to definitely shorten the 28 day cycle by a week. But who cares. Unfortunately I ran out and forgot to restock. I did pay the price. Pain was horrendous. I will not make that mistake again. My advice to any women give this herb time to work its magic as it has for me. Thank You Juliet, I have told all the women I know including my doctor about you and this little miracle.


14 thoughts on “Agnus Castus: Why this little blog actually matters”

  1. Hi Juliet,
    I also used to take Agnus Castus from Holland and Barratt, but since reading your articles, I have been ordering it from Primehealth.
    I have been officially diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder. unfortunately I get this so severe, it disrupts my whole life.
    I also have endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, which gives me fairly bad hirsutism. The Agnus Castus is helping The excess hair and with taken it, I managed to get pregnant fairly easily (I know other women who have had PCOS and have had to take medication to become pregnant) Unfortunately, these women would not take my advise to look in to Agnus Castus, so have had years of drugs treatments, complications and in most cases, resulted in no Baby.
    Sadly Agnus Castus hasn’t dramatically improve my PMDD, so I have increased to 40MG.. but I must stress, I really do have this severe,
    So I wasn’t expecting a miracle. But I wanted to write to you, to tell you of the positive effects that this has on PCOS! I just wish more women would give this herbal tablet a go. And maybe more would be lucky to have a beautiful daughter (like I have)
    I must stress, I was at a healthy weight (gym most days) and eating very well (as well as taking Agnus Castus) when I fell pregnant. I also do not drink alcohol .(Which I truely think is a huge hindrance, when trying to conceive)
    Thanks for taking the time to read my little piece.

    1. Hi Sarah, so brilliant that AC has helped with PCOS and that you believe it helped you conceive. There should be research trials conducted. It is such a shame that many women dismiss AC or dont know about it. Thanks so much for sharing. Please come back and let us know if 40mg is more effective for PMDD.

      1. Thank you for your reply.
        I will let you know what impact the 40mg a day has?
        I have been taking the 20mg a day from Primehealth for a year now. Sadly it hasn’t had much impact on the PMDD, and I do take a low dose presciption Anti depressant (but this has never been much help) I have been offered all sorts of drugs through a psychiatrist, but I am very much a believer in, you get out of your body, what you put in. And rarely take a paracetamol, let alone some of the hard-hitting drugs, that have bee suggested to treat my PMDD. I also suffer from SAD disorder (so as you see, my case is complex, so not just trying to treat one thing)
        But I am hanging on to hope, that the AC in higher dose, will help my PMDD more. (think my partner is too, as he begged me to go back to the Dr’s and try other medicines) But I am determined not to resort to more conventional drugs.
        Thanks for your time.

  2. Many thanks for all your helpful information on agnus castus, Juliet. I bought 6 months’ supply from Prime Health in autumn last year and stopped taking it about six weeks ago thinking, ‘Well, I feel fine now, I guess it was all in my head and I never really needed it’. Having just come to the end of a hellish month I now realise I shouldn’t have stopped taking it! I’ve just tried to re-order from Prime Health but it looks as if it’s currently unavailable – do you happen to know if they’re just out of stock, or have they stopped supplying it? Do you know of any other reputable supplier? Hoping you can advise; many thanks

  3. Really good to read your posts i have been taking 40 drops a day for three weeks and have felt tired and weepy usually feel like this before my period but not all the time is this common? I want to continue if it works but wandered if any of you had experienced this? Many thanks

    1. Hi Sally, the advice from women on this blog is to give it 3 months before deciding if it works or not. I am not sure what 40 drops is equivalent to, but you need to take 20mg (standardised extract) which is equivalent to 200mg whole herb (not just berries). Do come back and let us know how you get on.

  4. Hello all and thankyou for this blog Juliet. I finally decided to take some action for my quite debilitaing PMS before it ends in divorce! I bought Boots Agnus Castus today (fruit extract 4mg) and THEN came across your blog and now am kicking myself!! will this how no effect on me? do I need to order some from Prime Health? thankyou

    1. Hi Karen, Based on my experience you would need to take 5 tablets a day. You could start lower and increase if symptoms not eased. Prime Health are selling tablets at 20mg (200mg whole herb), but the tincture is also recommended by some. Do let us know how you get on.

      1. Juliet, thankyou! I will order some 20mg as advised and take 3 a day till they arrive (I’m really petite). I’m praying this helps me. One more thing. It says it could take up to 3 months to work. I wonder what is yours and others readers experiences?

      2. Hi, I messaged you awhile ago. I’ve been taking 2x20mg tablets for afew months now. But I am not finding much improvement to my premenstrual dysphoric disorder (pmdd). It’s shame, but I will continue (as I know the prime health are stronger than high-street brands.

        To be fair, I do have PMDD quite severe and need to take medication for it (I was diagnosed officially by a psychiatrist (which wasn’t the easiest diagnoses) I am very anti taken any pharmaceutical grade drugs.. but I do need to take an anti-depressant and continue to take 40mg’s a day of Herbal AGNUS Castus.. luckily these are the only 2 things I take daily.

        I have discovered Jason Vale and concept of ‘juicing’ I do not think there is a ‘cure’ for PCOS or PMDD, but it is just about managing the symptoms and for me personally, the natural the better.

        I do believe the Agnus Castus is starting to improve my hirsutism, slightly. I used to be on DIANETTE (a form of contraceptive pill, that helps with this) But again I was not conforatble taking a man made drug, and truely believe that the PILL actully worsens PCOS (and have read allot of reports to suggest it does)

        With that in mind, I came off the combined contraceptive pill.. And I do believe AGNUS CASTUS, has regulated my cycles. I bleed every month, around the same time.. And also I have a beautiful little girl (who is a year and a half old now)

        I will swear by the fact, of taking Agnus Castus, helped me conceive, alongside healthy eating and managing a healthy weight.

        Agnus Castus, may not have been great help to my PMDD, but has helped in so many ways.

        I tell everyone about this blog and anyone i know with PCSO, to buy from PRIMEHEALTH and not be conned by the high street weaker versions.

        Many thanks Sarah xx

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